Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Fifteenth Amendment

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Above is a picture of the most worthless Amendment to the Constitution to ever have been enacted, it is the Fifteenth Amendment.  The Fifteenth Amendment "gave African Americans the right to vote".  It truth, it never did anything.  African Americans didn't truly get the right to vote until the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  However the Fifteenth Amendment did start one thing; it started the glorious revolution of the expansion of "We The People".  According to the founding Fathers of this great nation, "We The People" only included old white men.  After the Fifteenth Amendment, that inclusion stated to grow and continues to expand today. 

I do not believe that the founding Fathers of this great nation would ever have suspected that the Negro Man would ever get the right to vote before the White Woman.  The Fifteenth Amendment was also the start of the revolution that was Woman’s Suffrage.  More and more woman were outraged that they did not yet have the right to vote, but yet the black man, whom had just been freed, could vote. It was also the beginning of the Woman’s Rights revolution in general.  Woman wanted to get out of the kitchen and into corporate America.  They wanted the right to vote and have their opinions heard.  With this revolution, came the revolution of other minorities such as Hispanic and Latino. 

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